Thursday, September 3, 2009

We've got apples...

It was a beautiful day at the Eastside Neighborhood Farmers' Market. We are back down to two farmers, but the variety and quality of the fruits and veggies are remarkable!
Here is an incomplete list of some of the offerings that were available yesterday...

Multi-colored Gladiolas
Sweet Corn
Apples of different varieties
Jalapeno peppers
Collard greens
Lots of Squash...huge squash at the Brownson's table and beautiful yellow squash with green speckling at Gordon Tripp's table

For the rest of the season, we can count on the weekly presence of the Brownson Family Farm and Owens Orchards. Thanks for all of your support!

Monday, August 10, 2009

This week at the market

I've been told that Gordon Tripp from Owens Orchards will be arriving at the market this week, Wednesday, August 12th. Here is a projection of what the Brownson Family Farm be offering:(thanks again to Christina for compiling!):

sweet corn
collard greens
summer squash
zucchini (some of the giantest zucchini I have ever seen, I might add)
green beans
swiss chard
green peppers
hot peppers

See you there! I'll be working on a facebook page for the market in the next week....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Projected offerings for August 5th!

Many thanks to our volunteer Christina for surveying our three farmers on what they will be bringing this week (this list does not include any items that may be coming from Owen Orchards).
  • peaches
  • blueberries
  • cherries
  • sweet corn
  • cabbage
  • summer squash, including heirloom & uncertified organic varieties
  • zucchini, including uncertified organic, heirloom varieties
  • tomatoes, including uncertified organic, heirloom varieties
  • green beans, including uncertified organic varieties
  • cucumbers, including uncertified organic varieties such as "white" and
  • "lemon" cukes
  • swiss chard
  • beets, including uncertified organic
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • green peppers
  • hot peppers
  • onions
  • garlic
  • collard greens
  • turnips
  • lettuce
  • fresh mint

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Market Update

I haven't done a very good job of updating this blog! We've had some exciting developments at the market this season. First, thanks to our small size, we've been able to place the farmers in the park instead of on Lexington Ave. This has freed up a lot of parking and made the market much more visible to passersby. We think sales are going up. Also, today, we had three farmers, including one who grows uncertified organic. We think Gordon Tripp from Owens Orchards will be at the market next week, which means that apple season will be following soon!

Here is a sample of what we had today at the market:
Collard greens
Green Beans
Swiss chard
All kinds of squash
Lots more stuff that I can't remember! : )

Be sure to stop by and see us, Wednesdays from 2:00-7:00 (sometimes closing around 6:30 if the weather is bad or if the market is super slow)! See you then!

Also...Coming soon...August 12th...Zucchini Festival and the All Star Band

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Opening Day Tomorrow!

Every year, we have a last minute scramble to complete all of the preparations for the season opening. This year is no different! Today we met with the Parks Dept. to discuss the layout for opening day. It looks like the farmers will be on Lexington Ave. again, but we will have tablers up in the park, at least for the Season Opening. The signs are ready and some flyering has been done, but as always, it never feels like enough! We do have some exciting activities lined up for tomorrow, including a performance by Nate and Kate, a musical team that is playing an "Eat Local Tour" this summer. We also found out that in addition to the Brownson Family Farm and Owen Orchards, we will have a new farmer selling uncertified organics. Very exciting news! Stop by tomorrow anytime from 2-7pm! Nate and Kate are playing at 5:30. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April Update

We just held an organizing committee meeting for the 2009 season yesterday; we have so much work to do to get ready for the upcoming season! Contact to find out about volunteer opportunities this summer. Regarding the blog, I'm not going to post much here until the market starts on June 24th, when I plan to post some highlights of each week's seasonal offerings. Stay tuned until then!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Syracuse Eastside Neighborhood Farmers' Market has a NEW day!

In an effort to attract more farmers, the Syracuse Eastside Neighborhood Farmers' Market board decided to change the market day for the upcoming 2009 season. The new hours of operation will be on WEDNESDAYS from 2:00pm-7:00pm in Loguen Park (intersection of E. Genesee St. and Columbus Ave.).